
Showing posts from September, 2022

MESH MASHUP (Concept generation) assignment

  Introduction In the second week of object design class, we were introduced to the concept of remix culture. I believe that this theory is particularly prevalent in the 21st century due to the proliferation of images, ideas, media and culture which has been facilitated via the advancement of technology and social network/information sharing platforms. This allows the exchange of and exposure to content and ideas to audiences worldwide, which would have previously been constrained by time and location to a select few. Everything is slowly becoming a reference of a reference, as people cyclically build upon existing ideas, culture and media in order to produce 'new' things. In class we were shown the infamous work of French artist Marcel Duchamp, who exhibited a urinal in a gallery space and named it 'Fountain'. In doing this, he re-contextualized an already existing object in order to create a new meaning and understanding of it. This relates to the post-modern concept

Objectified Assignment (Pepper shaker/grinder)

My cultural background and ethnicity inspired me to create this design because where I am from, spices are considered to be necessary and central in the preparation of most local dishes. In addition, I have a preference for well seasoned and very spicy foods so I have many spice jars in my home. This object relates to the film because not only was a pepper grinder displayed in it, but also the designers spoke on how good design serves to simplify our lives and make it easier (and in this case, pepper grinders transform bulky black pepper seeds into fine digestible powder that is easier and safer to consume)  

Etopima's Castle

These are screenshots of my Eastern culture inspired mud castle. The first image is a front view, the second is an aerial view, while the last image is a rear view.