Art Review

In this essay I will be reviewing and discussing the article titled "Meticulously handcrafted paper objects by Zim & Zhou, because I found their art style and objects to be the most inspiring.

"The Art of Saving a Life", Paper sculpture by Zim & Zhou

"Forest Folks", Paper installation by Zim and Zou

"Genetic Manipulation" , a part of the  "Edible Monsters" series of Sculpture installations 
by Zim and Zou

Parts of the "Spring Cleaning" series of Paper sculptures by Zim and Zou

To my understanding, both of the artists have backgrounds in design and mostly create paper art for renowned companies, organizations, and individuals. This can be in the form of campaigns and advertising. They also work on personal projects and exhibit their Artworks professionally in gallery spaces and international art fairs. Although cheeky in appearance, their work often explores important societal topics such as concerns about food quality, animal welfare, climate change, and global health.

The process of their artmaking is a very laborious and meticulous one. They often include process pictures in their Behance page, showing sketches, measurements against a designers cutting board, and individual paper components prior to assembly. I find it interesting how much planning goes behind their finished pieces, despite their deceptively playful appearance.

I selected this artist duo for my review because I appreciate the vivid pastel color scheme of the papers that they choose to work with. I find it to be very uplifting and child-like. I also admire the attention to detail and intricacy that is characteristic of their sculptures. It conveys their craftmanship and passion for their work, because it seems to be a time-consuming process. This aspect of Zim and Zou's art has doubly inspired and challenged me to create more complex objects in my assignment.


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