
Papercraft submission -revised- (ASSIGNMENT 06)

Reed Diffuser I apologise for this incredibly late submission, I really struggled with making the tabs and accurately placing them on the body in order for there to be no errors in printing. My object only has five separate components because I genuinely could not find any complicated items that were of importance to me: it is not a decision made out of laziness. I chose to create a reed diffuser that consists of a vase, a few wooden sticks, the stick bases, and the base of the vase.   Unfolded vase with tabs Unfolded base with tabs Unfolded wooden stick with tabs


 Art Review In this essay I will be reviewing and discussing the article titled "Meticulously handcrafted paper objects by Zim & Zhou, because I found their art style and objects to be the most inspiring. "The Art of Saving a Life" , Paper sculpture by Zim & Zhou "Forest Folks" , Paper installation by Zim and Zou "Genetic Manipulation"  , a part of the   "Edible Monsters"  series of Sculpture installations  by Zim and Zou Parts of the "Spring Cleaning" series of Paper sculptures by Zim and Zou To my understanding, both of the artists have backgrounds in design and mostly create paper art for renowned companies, organizations, and individuals.  This can be in the form of campaigns and advertising.  They also work on personal projects and exhibit their Artworks professionally in gallery spaces and international art fairs. Although cheeky in appearance, their work often explores important societal topics such as concerns abou


 Six Viewpoints of my final render I just want to note that, and as discussed earlier with the Instructor Bryan, I have selected a different object from that which was previously submitted in the Mesh mixer refinement assignment. This is because I believe that this object is more visually interesting and complex than the simple object that I had submitted earlier. For the skin of the head and its eyes, I selected the "Physically based" material from the drop down list, and I assigned the "plastic" material to the flowers and their stalks. The point light feature was used, hitting the right side of the object from our view. The object is rendered in 'good' quality. View from top on the right side Front view  Right view Rear view Angled view Left view

Mesh Mashup (selection and refinement) Assignment

 Object: Literal "running" Shoes Below are the original models from which I created my mashup concept, a pair of Nike Air Jordans and a hybrid creature of Kirby (the Nintendo character) and human legs. During the in class critique, I received substantial critique on my work. Three of my coursemates emphasised that I should have added more background features to my work in order to create a full scene and give more complexity to the object. While a valid point, I chose not to adhere to this and instead focused on the object itself because I feel as though it is complete on its own. 'Busy' does not always equate to 'better'. Others pointed out how the 'running shoes' mashup in particular was their favourite in terms of its humour as well as seamless visual appearance. I ended up choosing to refine this mashup for my asssignment. I used the flat tool, smooth tool, symmetry, and colour tools, amongst others, to create the final look.  My creation relates t

MESH MASHUP (Concept generation) assignment

  Introduction In the second week of object design class, we were introduced to the concept of remix culture. I believe that this theory is particularly prevalent in the 21st century due to the proliferation of images, ideas, media and culture which has been facilitated via the advancement of technology and social network/information sharing platforms. This allows the exchange of and exposure to content and ideas to audiences worldwide, which would have previously been constrained by time and location to a select few. Everything is slowly becoming a reference of a reference, as people cyclically build upon existing ideas, culture and media in order to produce 'new' things. In class we were shown the infamous work of French artist Marcel Duchamp, who exhibited a urinal in a gallery space and named it 'Fountain'. In doing this, he re-contextualized an already existing object in order to create a new meaning and understanding of it. This relates to the post-modern concept

Objectified Assignment (Pepper shaker/grinder)

My cultural background and ethnicity inspired me to create this design because where I am from, spices are considered to be necessary and central in the preparation of most local dishes. In addition, I have a preference for well seasoned and very spicy foods so I have many spice jars in my home. This object relates to the film because not only was a pepper grinder displayed in it, but also the designers spoke on how good design serves to simplify our lives and make it easier (and in this case, pepper grinders transform bulky black pepper seeds into fine digestible powder that is easier and safer to consume)  

Etopima's Castle

These are screenshots of my Eastern culture inspired mud castle. The first image is a front view, the second is an aerial view, while the last image is a rear view.